Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"Respect" in rural and urban; Its future?!

Is there any difference in the way we respect our elders in rural and urban?

Yes There is! It is interesting if we analyze this further.

The priority of parameters to respect elders vary in urban compared to rural.
Rural: Priorities to respect is based on Age, Experience, Power, Money and Scholastic profile
Urban: Priorities to respect is based on Money, Experience, Scholastic profile, Power and Age

As change is a changeless phenomenon, traditions are getting changed particularly in urban side (or in a developed city) where globalization has impacted well. We all know that our parents are our first inspirations till our teen ages. It still holds good both for rural and urban. If you look at specifically, this inspiration will go away for an urbanite when he go to colleage. But It still holds good for a ruralite particularly if he wants to follow his family business. He learns his father's best practices. He learns how much this father has undergone for the survival. He learns the tips and tricks from them. He appreciates things whenever he fails to survive.

But take a case of present age software engineer who is brought up from a middle class family. He may not have the same feeling. He may feel his father his doing some rubbish job. He may think he is not performing well that's why he is not getting paid well. Banks would chase him to give more credit cards and services compare to his father. It all would lead his father to give respect to his son! He may not appreciate that his elders period that they don't have the oppurtunity like we have today. The world is within our hands now through internet. Still, we don't know how to search job smartly. It is a different story. But, in previous days, people rely only on employment news (weekly) to grab job openings. There were no colourful Hindu Oppurtunities or Times of India Ascent! Still, they were able to manage to get a decent job / business oppurtunity to brought up their kids to a reputed position.

But folks I bet you, these same situations would come to us also. But, we would face it differently. Childerens of our IT folks would give respect based on IP (Intellectual Property) assets like patents, copyrights etc, Licences we have it in our name for permanent income. He will not respect you if you say that I have got some five digit salary by working a service industry. The respect will be attributed more for uniqueness, creativitiy, innovation and it protection. So folks be prepared to get respected from your childrens

It applies to both rural and urban as world is shrinking now. It would shrink to a level that it is smaller than a new born baby's palms can hold! ;-)

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