Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"Respect" in rural and urban; Its future?!

Is there any difference in the way we respect our elders in rural and urban?

Yes There is! It is interesting if we analyze this further.

The priority of parameters to respect elders vary in urban compared to rural.
Rural: Priorities to respect is based on Age, Experience, Power, Money and Scholastic profile
Urban: Priorities to respect is based on Money, Experience, Scholastic profile, Power and Age

As change is a changeless phenomenon, traditions are getting changed particularly in urban side (or in a developed city) where globalization has impacted well. We all know that our parents are our first inspirations till our teen ages. It still holds good both for rural and urban. If you look at specifically, this inspiration will go away for an urbanite when he go to colleage. But It still holds good for a ruralite particularly if he wants to follow his family business. He learns his father's best practices. He learns how much this father has undergone for the survival. He learns the tips and tricks from them. He appreciates things whenever he fails to survive.

But take a case of present age software engineer who is brought up from a middle class family. He may not have the same feeling. He may feel his father his doing some rubbish job. He may think he is not performing well that's why he is not getting paid well. Banks would chase him to give more credit cards and services compare to his father. It all would lead his father to give respect to his son! He may not appreciate that his elders period that they don't have the oppurtunity like we have today. The world is within our hands now through internet. Still, we don't know how to search job smartly. It is a different story. But, in previous days, people rely only on employment news (weekly) to grab job openings. There were no colourful Hindu Oppurtunities or Times of India Ascent! Still, they were able to manage to get a decent job / business oppurtunity to brought up their kids to a reputed position.

But folks I bet you, these same situations would come to us also. But, we would face it differently. Childerens of our IT folks would give respect based on IP (Intellectual Property) assets like patents, copyrights etc, Licences we have it in our name for permanent income. He will not respect you if you say that I have got some five digit salary by working a service industry. The respect will be attributed more for uniqueness, creativitiy, innovation and it protection. So folks be prepared to get respected from your childrens

It applies to both rural and urban as world is shrinking now. It would shrink to a level that it is smaller than a new born baby's palms can hold! ;-)

Monday, June 19, 2006

IGNOU's Rural Development course

Many correspondence cources are available in IGNOU for social studies. I am doing Post Graduate Diploma in Rural development. It is a well structured integrated course that provides a holistic view on rural development. It detailly explains about Rural traditions, their life styles, their values, demography, different government schemes for the rural poor, it successes and failures, women empowerment, Information and Communication technologies impact on rural development etc etc. As a software Engineer by professional, studying these courses helps me to understand complex problems and motivates me to provide some innovative solutions for rural development.

Details regarding related courses shall be available at

Sunday, June 18, 2006

What is Naturopathy

Naturopathy is to cure the disease naturally that was caused because of going against naturally ways.

The following are considered as principles of Naturopathy:

1) Don’t cover the body with cloths. Let it get air, light, sunlight. Let it live in a fresh environment.
2) Drink natural drinks like tender coconut, take food only when hungry and take fast if not hungry
3) Live with good thoughts and good habits
4) Excrete the body wastes that were caused by artificial means and practice food taking disciplines.
5) Drinking water when thirsty is natural drink. Drink tender coconut or milk as natural drinks.
6) Fresh un-boiled vegetables are natural foods. Foods should not be over cooked and should not contain spicy items.
7) Coffee, Cocoa, cola and soda are not natural foods.
8) Vegetarian food is natural food. Fish, meat, eggs and chicken are not natural foods.
9) Do whatever needs to be done through ones own hands and legs. This is natural living.
10) Men and Women should get married after their maturity and should live moderate married life. They should keep their mind, heart and spirit purely and should live cooperative to one another.
11) Greed, lust, steel, evil, jealous are against nature.

Natural living is pure true living. This is inexpensive simple living. One can demonstrate ahimsa through this living only. One can live peacefully with love. One who lives simple natural life is bold soldier. He has real independence. He is not a slave for anybody.

Naturopathy deals mainly on food taking discipline and fasting. It uses as fresh air, sun light, water, sand and sky for its treatment. Sunlight bath, Steam bath, hot water bath and water bath helps his treatment. Clay is also used widely for its treatment. It also uses vegetables and green leaves.

Sanitation is not at satisfactorily levels in villages. There is no primary health center in many villages. The villages that have these health centers also are not in operational mode. It is very difficult for rural people to get good treatment. Modern medicine are devised to give quick short%2

What are traits of a good literate?

Because of his early day’s exercises, his body will function as per his spirit. Body as an instrument, it will function to the best possible extent to which it can function easily and happily. His mind is clear thought device without any nervousness. It all parts would be equally active and ready to work instantaneously. His mind would have understood basic truths about nature. His senses would have get practiced under strong spiritual values. He would have practiced to dislike evil and would have practice to love others as him. The one who follows as per above statements is considered as Literate. He lives synchronously with nature. He and Nature will get mutual benefits from themselves.

Excerpts translated from tamil book: “Iyarkai Maruthuvam yaen” by Pikshu Swamigal

Checklist when you give loan to poor people

There are increased number of donors these days. If you take the need gap reduction ratio, it still not yet have got reduced. Unless if it is not made to zero, need will always exist, it will multiply and leaves no impact for the donation made. Care should be taken while donating.

Let us take an example of a poor family that needs atleast 1000 bucks to fulfil their basic needs or atleast food. Let's say they earn just 600 bucks per month and get 400 bucks as loan for their survival. The interest for 400 bucks debt will grow day by day to kill them. If any donor want to help for these people, they should first understand how much they would able to earn per month. How much capital they need to earn the remaining amount? In this case, if they have seed amount of 10k bucks, they may earn another 1000bucks. So 1000 bucks for their survival and 600 bucks for the repayment. This capital seed amount is their need. If you give any amount as loan less than that amount is problem for them. They may put the insufficient funds for their survival only and cannot be able to multiply to get for their survival. The interest for the loan and survival cost would increase and create more burden on them.

Hence when you think to donate for any poor, don’t just put some money and go with a feeling that you have done something great. Just analyze what is their need to live a normal peaceful life. Whether can you able to contribute to the gap. If not spending small amount for many, spend for one’s life. If you are not able to contribute to their need, give your share and mentor them to get the balance. If you can raise through your friend’s network then that is great! But, ensure the needy people get all that they wanted to come out from the problem.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Spend for atleast one child's education

ruropedia salutes rich Indian youth. These young folks are rich today because of their sheer hardwork and determination to learn new technologies and languages. They are prepared to compete globaly and keen to utlize oppurtunities. Most of their families might have been middle class or poorer than that when they had born. inspite of many day to day problems, they have raised to a good position. They are The Future India. India expects a lot from these youth. There are many unfortunate childrens struggling to get a proper meal once a day. Education is very remote to them. Their families have lot of problems to solve. Just some four digit bucks would transfer their life to heaven. But it is in vain. If not these youth brought from middle class families can understand them, then who else can understand them? They don't beg so you don't throw coins. They won't beg also. If they beg to study and improve, that is OK. They may not beg but they will live in ignorance and dark. It is our duty to bring to light and show wisdom. Folks, spend atleast for one child's education in your life-time as a celebration of your success in life!
I have got a free card at Planet-M Bangalore. The homeless boy shown in the picture lives at New Delhi Railway Station. He is a rag picker. He learns to read and write and makes drawings because of some good hearts like Don Bosco Ashalayam (